2020 SOUCABL Conference Call for Papers

Please be on the lookout for the list of accepted presentations, round table discussions, posters and lightning talks on this page in mid-January 2020.

The Papers & Presentations Committee is accepting proposals on topics related to business librarianship in a variety of presentation formats. We especially encourage proposal submissions from librarians who work at smaller institutions in the South or for whom business/entrepreneurship is only one of their responsibilities.


"I have not failed.  I have found 10,000 ways that won't work" - Thomas Edison

Conference presentations often center around success stories and those instances when everything goes exactly to plan. While success stories are great, we want to encourage the sharing of failures and the lessons learned from them at SOUCABL: Chapter 2. It is often our failures that teach us the most powerful lessons. What issues are you dealing with? What strategies are you using to combat limited resources & staffing? What worked? What didn't work? We want to hear everything.
Suggested topics may include, but are not limited to:

  *   Instruction & teaching strategies
  *   Outreach (to students, faculty, campus partners, community members, etc.) and partnerships
  *   When business is not your only specialty or focus
  *   Research strategies & resources
  *   Collection development for both physical & electronic resources
  *   Failures or challenges you face in all of the above aspects of librarianship


Select a format for your proposal.

  *   Presentation
     *   Presentations will be 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A.

  *   Round Table Discussion
     *   Round Tables are small, informal group discussions lasting 60 minutes. They are opportunities to share information, discuss successes and failures, and exchange best practices and network with others around common theme
  *   Poster
     *   The poster session is an opportunity to share your innovative project, best practices, failure stories, and issues related to business librarianship. If you would like a template, consider using the ones found here: https://osf.io/ef53g/.